Imaginary Animal Stick Puppets

by Ashley Klump

Use your creativity to make an imaginary animal. What will it look like? Where will it live? Can it swim or fly? Then turn it into a puppet and tell us a story!

Learning Target

● I can layer shapes and colors to make an imaginary animal puppet.
● I can tell a story about where my animal lives and how it moves.


● Colored Pencils
● Tape
● Scissors
● Glue stick
● Ruler


1. Choose 3 different colors of paper. Cut out many different shapes.

2. Choose a few pieces to glue together. Does it look like something yet?

3. Add more pieces so you have at least 3 layers. What body parts does your animal have? Eyes? Arms and legs? Fins and gills? Hair and fur? Horns?

4. Add details with colored pencil.

5. Tape your imaginary animal to a stick and then use your puppet to tell us a story!


Write in your journal or draw in your sketchbook

1. What can you tell us about your animal based on how it looks?
2. Where does your animal live? How does it move?
3. Does your animal have any friends? Tell about them!


1. Make more stick puppets to be characters in your story!
2. Make a stage to act out your characters with your puppets! What will the scenery look like?

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