
by Korekara Taiko

You will play the game, Rock-Paper-Scissors (in Japanese it’s called, JAN-KEN-PON), to connect your brain to your body.

Learning Target

● I can build coordination and connect my brain to my body by playing a movement game


● Your body Material

● Pen and Paper for Reflection


1. First step, practice rock, paper, scissors. Try it with your right hand, then your left hand.

2. Rock & Paper. Put rock on your chest and paper in front of you. Now try switching your hands.

3. Paper & Scissors. Put paper on your chest and scissors in front of you. How many times can you switch your hand positions?

4. Scissors & Rock. Finally, put scissors on your chest and rock in front of you. Try to switch and don’t give up!


Write or Draw in your journal or sketchbook

● Which hand combination was the most challenging? Which one was the easiest? Write down your thoughts.
● Count how many times you can switch. What happens if you do this exercise quickly?
● Can you think of other examples where you connect your brain to your body in your life?


● Ready for the next level? Check out Toru’s Challenge Video to test your rock-paper-scissors body coordination:
● Learn about the cultural history of this hand game. Search on the internet for ‘JAN-KEN-PON.’
● Try designing your own brain-body exercise, and challenge someone in your house or even your friends at an online gathering to do it.

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